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There is no way to save/load in Android version

There is its just realy small its in the right corner

I try but there's nothing in corner I just found button to see character stat and inventory 

Its in this corner


Hello i have a problem i am at the lair and the brige i talked wit everyone but dont get further in the game what can i do


Hi, that's the end of the 21st update.


Ah ok thats sad but still very good game i alredy hyped for next update


When is the update coming?






The update is available to our patrons, don't miss it!


Well..I am not able to support you guys on patreon but I'll wait for the public release :)


My game is stuck at her not wanting to sleep.

At day 34, she's naked because Saimon has told her to be naked for 3 days, and in this state she doesn't want to be seen by stukov, so I can't call him.. 

I've had her trained and exhausted her battery to zero. But she still won't go to sleep.

Please help

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi, are you sure you are playing update 21 and not using an old save? That bug was fixed in update 21 and I personally checked that Sai'mon's route was working. But if you're using an old save, the bug probably stayed.


How to start abathur route?I can't seem to start it?and the game stuck on a loop on day 34 when the mc don't want to sleep.

I'm having the same problem with her not wanting to sleep at day 32.

However if you want to start Abathur's route you just talk to Stukov about her training (there's an option).

It say something about complete the other scenes whenever I choose the option tho :<


Really love the game. Thank you for the good job.

I'll really love if there is some stomach bulging on the next update <3


Pregnancy? :D


Hm... who knows, who knows... but there is a chance.

(1 edit) (+2)

Liked it very much.Is there any new version coming? if so, can i know the date?


Hi, thank you very much! There will be an update in February, but we don't set exact dates for obvious reasons. You can find the freshest news about the game on our Patreon page.

that a great news for me! Im looking forward for the new content of the game.

When is the next update?


13th of January.

Thank you! I'm really loving this game, everything is super well thought out and implemented in a very concise way. Keep up the amazing work! Can't wait to see where the next update takes us! :)


And thank you! Update 19 is already publicly available, have fun playing.


Can't wait for more content. one of the best games I've played


Thank you! We are doing our best to make more content!


I know you only published this game a couple weeks ago, but when is there going to be an update? I'm really enjoying this game and would love to see more


Hi, there's actually going to be an update today!


Great game


Thank you!


I found this game on 'newgrounds' (I think, it's been a while) quite a few months ago when I played SC:2 religiously, but seeing this for how amazing it is now, brings a tear of nostalgia and joy to the eye. Singular eye, I lost the other in the great meme war of 2016.

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